Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wablieft? Duidelijke taal!

logo of Wablieft
For those who are learning Dutch, it would be interesting to note that there is a Belgian newspaper, Wablieft, which writes its articles in "easy to understand Dutch": Duidelijke Taal. For more than twenty five years now, they publish a paper version on every Wednesday, and since 2009 they publisch an electronic version as well.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Toekomstige tijd

taken from Nederlands in Uitvoering
Yesterday, Mandy told me: "I have no idea how to write [in the past tense], or the future tense, so I mostly just stick with the present for now".

The past tense in Dutch needs some more explanation, but the future tense is failry easy:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Liedje van de dag: Arme Joe

Another artists who sings in Flemish is the sixty years old Will Tura and he has been bringing out singles since 1957. Every Fleming, young and old, knows his songs and in 2001 he has been knighted by the Belgian king. His voice is very recognizable and he has always made an effort to sing in "clean" Dutch, although he has made some songs in the West-Flemish dialect as well.